Juicing for Weight Loss Recipes: Ultimate Benefits & Drawbacks!

What Are The Juicing for Weight Loss Recipes? Juicing for weight loss is a great way in one’s weight loss aims, as certain juicing recipes concentrate on weight loss.

Juicing can assist jump start your metabolism, give your body with nutrients that help the body’s natural fat burning process, flush toxins in your fats cells, and can decrease hunger.

Health experts will agree that one reason people desire sweet foods and large portions are related to the lack of nutrients they are receiving from their daily diet.

So, when you add the essential vitamins and nutrients into your diet, your body logically tends to drop the hunger, as it is already receiving everything it needs.

Since juicing for weight loss, recipes will mostly include veggies and leafy greens because, though fruit provides wonderful antioxidants, vitamins, and other healthy nutrients, many fruits have high sugar content.

And while there is some low glycemic fruit, the more disciplined you are about sugar intake, the more weight you will lose.


Juicing can assist jump start your metabolism, give your body with nutrients that help the body's natural fat burning process, flush toxins in your fats cells, and can decrease hunger. Click To Tweet



Here are Some Key Ingredients That are Used to Add When Using A Weight Loss Juicing Recipes:


  • CELERY is a good choice to add to juice, as it is low in calories and water dense. You should always juice the entire branch, including the chlorophyll-rich leaves.


  • LETTUCE is very rich in minerals and the darker the leaves, the better. Red-leaf lettuce, arugula, butterhead, and spinach are great examples and are low in calories. Lettuce provides a huge source of vitamins A, B1, B12, C, folic acid, manganese and chromium and is rich in minerals.


  • CABBAGE is a great body-cleansing vegetable suggested for weight loss. It can provide special cholesterol-lowering benefits and is a vegetable that requires more calories to digest than is contained within the food. Cabbage also has a low glycemic value.


  • BEETROOTS are a great fruit that will help add sweetness to any weight loss juice recipe.


  • CARROTS are also known to add a sweet flavor to a vegetable juice recipe, while also gaining the incredible benefits of being a digestion stimulant, liver cleanser and provide high levels of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an immune booster and is strongly associated with the reduced risk of many cancers.


  • CUCUMBERS are a base component for many weight loss juice recipes, as they are relatively low calorie and water dense and can be an easy component to offset stronger flavors added to a juice.


  • WATERCRESS is considered a powerful intestinal cancer and toxin neutralizer and is great for blood circulation, cleansing the skin, and health experts say it helps stimulate fat burning.


By incorporating these types of vegetables into your juicing for weight loss recipes, it is safe to say that your body will be healthier and a great assistance in weight loss.


Juicing for weight loss is a great way in one's weight loss aims, as certain juicing recipes concentrate on weight loss. Click To Tweet


Health Benefits of Juicing for Weight Loss!

The health benefits of juicing are countless and great.

We take vegetables to get necessary vitamins and minerals into our system, however when vegetables are cooked they lose much of their nutrient content; even if we eat raw vegetables our bodies cannot completely break down the enzymes found in fruits and vegetables.

This means that we actually ‘miss out’ on many of the nutrients contained in these foods.

The act of juicing fresh vegetables breaks these enzymes down and releases the much-needed nutrients so that we are able to enjoy the full benefits that these foods provide.

Getting these nutrients in liquid form eliminates the digestive process of ‘breaking down’ solids. This allows the nutrients to immediately be absorbed into the body and sent to vital organs, and of course through the digestive tract.


A few of the Benefits Associated with Juicing are:

  • Total absorption of needed vitamins and minerals provided by vegetables and fruits, eliminating the need for ‘unnatural’ vitamin supplements, i.e. tablets or capsules.
  • A smoothly functioning digestive tract means that constipation problems will be eliminated.
  • Juicing acts as a natural colon cleanse flushing toxins from the body.
  • Juicing also aids in relieving upset stomach and heartburn.
  • The vast majority of juicers’ experience an immediate ‘uplift’ after ingesting the juice. This is caused by the immediate absorption of vitamins and minerals into our system.


Drawbacks of Juicing for Weight Loss!

There are many ‘juicing for weight loss’ programs available for people to choose from.

Unfortunately, some of these programs aim for the ‘lose weight fast’ crowd and require a liquid diet consisting of nothing but the vegetable juice for extended periods of time.

Please do not become a victim of this ploy.

Juicing is healthy, but eliminating all other foods from your diet is not healthy and can cause medical problems, some severe.

Adding juicing to your weight loss plan can be very healthy while aiding in the weight loss process. As with any other weight loss program, if you eat sensibly you will be fine.


The Following List Describes Some of the Drawbacks of a Juicing Program:

  • Some vegetables have a strong taste that is not pleasing. Experimentation with juicing ‘recipes’ is needed to find the right mix for your taste. When beginning a juicing program I highly recommend adding fruit to your recipes. Fruit makes the juice sweet and can mask some of the less pleasant vegetable tastes.


  • Some vegetables can cause unwanted reactions, such as headaches or upset stomach. Small steps are recommended! Some of the recipes call for vegetables that you probably have never eaten before, such as wheat grass. When trying new vegetables in a recipe, use a very small amount at first to make sure that your system will tolerate this vegetable.


  • Good juicers‘ cost about $200.00. There are some available for $50.00, but with juicers’ the old adage of ‘you-get-what-you-pay-for’ is true. If at all possible, find a friend that has a ‘juicer’ and try some recipes before you make the purchase.



When used properly, juicing can be a wonderful addition to your daily diet.

The health benefits received from all the natural vitamins and minerals cannot be denied.

When first beginning to ‘juice’ taking sensible precautions such as adding new vegetables in small amounts, and adding fruit to the recipes will enable you and your system to truly enjoy the full benefits of juicing for weight loss recipes.


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